Friday, April 6, 2012

it's english time

there's thing that i would consider if it is canceled and there's thing that pissed me off when it is postponed at the very last minute..urghh..

last night i slept late just because i want to be well prepared for my impromptu today..i practiced and practiced till i get bored and at the same time squeezing my brain to memorize all the text, which i hate the most-memorizing..apart from that, i finished another assignment earlier so that last night i will only focus on my impromptu; resulting an assignment that didn't have page number because i did it quickly and forgot to write it that i realized, it was already submitted -...-..other things like wearing the best dress in my closet which required efforts to iron it patiently and what not.......bla bla bla ok istighfar yan

then suddenly, "our impromptu will be postponed to the next class, on tuesday"

well, i'm not complaining, maybe my lecturer is not in the mood today, so what if she will jot down BAD for my performance, uhhh ok tuesday please =.=!..ok, i'm joking since i have the free time now, i will just sit down and get typing..

I know i rarely post entry now compared to last year, and truth is I am not sorry at all. Not one bit. Well maybe just a tad guilty since I did convince someone to create this blog for me..haha i did this not as a job or duty so i will update whenever i want, weekly or worse, fortnightly..Anyway at least i give it a tab of space on my google chrome browser right..i don't know if there is people out there waiting for my entry aha!my friends maybe..thank you so much :-), but for u-know-who-u-are people who truly is here to once again lash out my own personal views about everything and anything, you could pretty much live without knowing..nontheless, for those of you who do come here looking forward to some of my pointless rants, I should warn you, this is not one of them..  

tomorrow i have a program called ziarah kasih..we will visit orphans at rumah anak yatim darul izzah, i think this one is founded by DSAI's daughter..i'll confirm this this will be my 1st time visiting expectations are, i will get close to them, i can have a chat with them, help doing any chores in that house, educate them anything even if it is about simple thing like the importance of hygiene or anything, i want to share laughs with them as u know kids, they would have fun with just about anything they can lay their hands i'm looking forward to it..

p/s : kalau ada orang yang bercakap buruk tentang anda, ketahuilah ada jugak orang sentiasa doakan yang terbaik buat anda :-)

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